Prep Canvas, Acrylic Pouring, Fluid Art, Step by Step Corinne Supernor Prep Canvas, Acrylic Pouring, Fluid Art, Step by Step Corinne Supernor

Prepping My Canvas

Sometimes when it comes to painting, it can be a little overwhelming, and you don’t always know where to start. Well there’s no place like the very beginning to begin…prepping your canvas.

Sometimes when it comes to painting, it can be a little overwhelming and you don’t always know where to start. Well there’s no place like the very beginning to begin…prepping your canvas.

With acrylic pouring, paint goes everywhere! It can be quite messy business. So I learned pretty quickly to tape off the backside of my canvas so that once the paint is dry, I can quickly peel off the tape and reveal a lovely, clean, white canvas. This makes the painting look more clean and professional. I utilize Frogtape. It’s simply the best for keeping that crisp clean line.

Next, I use large push pins I got on Amazon to lift my canvas off of my work surface. The pins lift the canvas roughly an inch and a half, which is really helpful as I tilt and paint runs off onto my work surface. Nothing worse than putting down the canvas onto wet paint and messing up the composition! Some artists that practice acrylic pouring utilize cups, but I find I quite the push pins since they are always stable as they are put straight into the wood of the canvas itself.

My next step is to add another layer of gesso to my canvas. So when canvases are stretched and prepared, they do add a layer of gesso which acts as the primer. I find, however, that adding another layer really smooths out the canvas and really sets the stage for my paint to look its best. I utilize a sponge paint brush, the cheapy ones that are quite inexpensive. I just spread a thin layer over the entire canvas and use the sponge to smooth it out and minimize brush strokes. The gesso dries quite quickly, so it’s easy to do this step the same day as your paint pour. Just make sure it is dry before starting your pour.

Finally, I quickly spray the back of the canvas with a hint of water to ensure the canvas will stay tight as the paint goes on and dries. Don’t spray too much, no need to drench it in water, just a little spritz will do.

From there, you’re ready to go! Time to do your paint pour, stretch, and enjoy the results!

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Corinne Supernor Corinne Supernor

Straight Pour That Wows

I went into my second commissioned piece for the hotel with a little confidence since the first one had worked out and my client was happy with the results. I knew I wanted to create a peaceful painting with a hint of glimmer from metallic paints. So I went about it! Got my canvas prepped, gave an extra coat of gesso, then mixed up my paints and went for it.

I went with three straight pours again, just as I had done with the first one. This time I knew I wanted to stretch the canvas a little differently to give a slightly different composition than the first one. I absolutely LOVE how it turned out. The lines on this painting! Absolutely gorgeous. I can honestly say this is my favorite painting I have done to date.

I’m really gaining confidence with each painting and learning so much about how to paints interact with one another and learning little techniques to improve myself as I go. This journey is so wonderful and is really enriching my life. I know that sounds a bit grandiose and self-congratulating, but it has been a difficult year on the world at large and we can all use our little bit of joy where we can find it. I really hope my work brings a smile to your face and just adds a moment of peace to your day.

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I’m a Commissioned Artist!

I was commissioned for 6 paintings to start for a hallway in a hotel project in Montana. What an amazing opportunity! As a new artist, finally pursuing my dream, you can imagine all the crazy things running through my head. Can I do this? Will they like what I come up with? Where do I store all of these paintings in my tiny condo? But more than those doubts, I felt an overwhelming glee with the realization I am a real artist getting paid to do what I love.

So to date I’m completed 3 paintings, and my client is thrilled. I’m actually doing it! With each painting I get a little less nervous and a little more confident. I want to pursue this dream to the absolute limits, and I’m excited to see where this journey leads me.

So let’s start with discussing the first piece I completed for this project. My client asked for a series of 24x36 paintings. This was straightaway the second largest painting I had completed in this style to date. Not at all intimidating, right? But I put my doubts aside, and went for it. Mixed my paints, utilized my new favorite pouring medium, MIX, and went in three straight pours.

Stretching 3 straight pour puddles of paint is quite the task on such a large canvas. But I methodically rolled the paint around in a circular motion to try and get close to the edges without losing any paint. Then comes the moment of truth, committing to a composition , and tipping off the corners and really going for it. I was so pleased with the final painting. The lines are absolutely incredible! The colors held true and have lovely separation while playing off one another for a nice peaceful feel.

I got further encouragement when my client loved it. Phew! Knocked one out! I’m living my dream one painting at a time.

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Corinne Supernor Corinne Supernor

Positive feedback

“We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams…” Arthur O’Shaughnessy

I have been so blessed to get encouragement from my friends and family as I have launched into the art world. While I have always enjoyed art in my free time, I never thought I could pursue it in any professional capacity. So I thought I would share some of what has been happening behind the scenes, and my complete joy and surprise by the encouragement and positive feedback I have received.

Many artists will say if your art is not selling, it is because not enough eyes are seeing your work. It’s all about finding your audience and establishing what sets you apart. I have been working on getting eyes on my work, and so far I have had some great feedback. I know a few have reshared some posts and have followed me on social media, and I cannot express how grateful and humbled I am. This is exactly what helps grow my business, and I could use all the help I can get.

Just within a couple weeks of launching, I have sold 4 paintings, and I have been commissioned for 6 more. Each and every sale allows me to keep doing what I love, and that is my main goal with this entire business. I absolutely love painting, and I get to share that with you all. It is my light in this crazy year, and I want to personally thank each and every one of you that have encouraged me over the years or recently. It drives me to push myself and my art, and continue in this journey.

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Corinne Supernor Corinne Supernor

Let the Journey Begin…

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.”
-Henry David Thoreau

I don’t remember a time when I didn’t love creating. Whether it was coloring Barbie in my coloring books or recording our very own radio show with my best friend at the age of nine, I’ve always enjoyed making my little mark on the world in my own creative way. I’d say the world of art really opened itself up to me in high school when I was forced to take a Drawing and Painting course, since that was the only elective left when I changed my schedule to be in volleyball. But it was serendipitous to be placed in that class, because I discovered how drawing and painting made me feel more centered and myself. I took every art course my high school offered from then on.

This year has been a struggle to so many with a pandemic that seems never-ending, but sometimes out of pain comes joy. I rediscovered painting, and the enrichment it brings into my life. So I’m beyond thrilled to get to share this passion project with you. I hope you find the love, struggle, and joy I put into each painting. I hope you find a piece that speaks to you and makes you feel more alive. I hope you’ll join me on this journey and share in the joy this has brought to me.

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