I’m a Commissioned Artist!

I was commissioned for 6 paintings to start for a hallway in a hotel project in Montana. What an amazing opportunity! As a new artist, finally pursuing my dream, you can imagine all the crazy things running through my head. Can I do this? Will they like what I come up with? Where do I store all of these paintings in my tiny condo? But more than those doubts, I felt an overwhelming glee with the realization I am a real artist getting paid to do what I love.

So to date I’m completed 3 paintings, and my client is thrilled. I’m actually doing it! With each painting I get a little less nervous and a little more confident. I want to pursue this dream to the absolute limits, and I’m excited to see where this journey leads me.

So let’s start with discussing the first piece I completed for this project. My client asked for a series of 24x36 paintings. This was straightaway the second largest painting I had completed in this style to date. Not at all intimidating, right? But I put my doubts aside, and went for it. Mixed my paints, utilized my new favorite pouring medium, MIX, and went in three straight pours.

Stretching 3 straight pour puddles of paint is quite the task on such a large canvas. But I methodically rolled the paint around in a circular motion to try and get close to the edges without losing any paint. Then comes the moment of truth, committing to a composition , and tipping off the corners and really going for it. I was so pleased with the final painting. The lines are absolutely incredible! The colors held true and have lovely separation while playing off one another for a nice peaceful feel.

I got further encouragement when my client loved it. Phew! Knocked one out! I’m living my dream one painting at a time.


Straight Pour That Wows


Positive feedback